Regardless of one's view on same-sex marriage, today signifies a historic tipping point in civil rights in this nation that closely follows the seismic cultural shift that has been happening in American culture and many sectors of the Church in recent years.
Today the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Federal Defense of Marriage Act opening the way for marriage rights for same-sex couples.
Last week the largest ex-gay ministry in the U.S., Exodus International, shut down, after several years of slowly conceding that reparative therapy does not work. On Lisa Ling's Our America, the director of Exodus offered an apology for the spiritual suffering and psychological damage that their ministry has caused so many people.
Another event is happening this summer, and I find the timing with these other events anything but a coincidence. Fifty individuals will be convening for a conference in Kansas City for The Reformation Project.
The Reformation Project is a Bible-based, Christian non-profit organization that seeks to reform church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The conference will be like a Bible boot camp. From the website:
There, we will equip them with the tools and training they need to go back to their communities and make lasting changes to beliefs and interpretations that marginalize LGBT people...
Crucially, the aspiring reformers that we train will not be seeking to change their churches by asking them to ignore or look past the Bible. The Bible is not anti-gay. It never addresses the issues of same-sex orientation or loving same-sex relationships, and the few verses that some cite to support homophobia have nothing to do with LGBT people. Careful, persistent arguments about those passages have the power to change every Christian church worldwide, no matter how conservative their theology. The mission of The Reformation Project is to train a new generation of Christians to streamline that process and accelerate the demise of homophobia in the church.
I am pleased to say that I am one of the fifty Reformers that will be convening for this gathering.
The words of Mordecai from the Book of Esther have been echoing in my spirit the past few months with regards to The Reformation Project and other advances in this arena (4:14):
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Reparative therapy and other charismatic deliverance techniques for same-sex orientation and desires have not worked and most Christians are now recognizing that. A different kind of deliverance is now arising that will help stop the years of emotional and spiritual abuse--even death--that Church teachings have unwittingly caused.
We are living in a prophetic moment where enternal purposes of inclusion and unconditional love are being made more clearly manifest.
For me, this is a move of the Spirit for such a time as this. I cannot stay silent any longer.
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